Virgin Coconut Oil - NaturZest

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Virgin Coconut Oil
Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil
Short Description:

Product Description

NaturZest Virgin Coconut oil is cold pressed, 100% Natural and Pure.
NaturZest Virgin Coconut oil extracted from fresh coconut milk of best quality coconuts produced in the pristine Konkan region of India. This is unrefined and no other preservatives or additives are added to it. No heat method ensures that all vital nutrients are intact in the NaturZest VCO.

NaturZest VCO, is completely colour less and pure. It is in liquid, transparent state for normal temperatures and freezes to white think substance at low temperature. This does not affect the quality or taste of VCO.

NaturZest VCO has a mild, and delicate aroma of fresh coconut.

Usage as food:
NaturZest VCO is prepared with high quality coconuts with high standards. It is food grade and thus can be consumed raw as dietary supplement, or used in cooking , baking or as salad dressing. The taste is very mild that of fresh coconut and it does not interfere with the taste of food you are preparing.

Skin Care:
VCO is a very good natural moisturiser. It gives the smooth texture and glow to skin if used for massage.
This is one of the best make-up remover.

Hair care:
It nourishes hair, scalp and helps in fighting dandruff due to it's anti-fungal & antibacterial properties. It promotes healthy growth of hair if used regularly.

Oral Care:
VCO can be used in oil pulling safely. It's antibacterial qualities help in keeping oral health.

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